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Is the key to success in today's data intensive Health Care Industry.

Up-To-Date Information

Is a requirement for knowledge based decisions.


Of your information is the desire of health care exectuives.

Your Success

Is our goal.

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Turning Data Into Knowledge

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Who is DataSol?


The DataSol Group is a leading provider of analytical software and services to the healthcare industry.  By combining our healthcare industry knowledge, our clients’ real life experiences, and our technical expertise DataSol has developed software tools and solutions that address the actual needs of healthcare industry professionals. 

DataSol understands that each health plan, medical group, TPA, acountable care organization, PBM, etc. has unique approaches to analyzing information and in applying the knowledge gained from that analysis.  Therefore, we don’t try to fit a round peg in a square hole.  We listen to our clients' requirements and customize solutions to fit their needs.  Using DataSol software, our clients significantly improve their bottom line while improving health care to their patients.

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